Elizabeth Plourde

Booth #310

Smart DOTs are unique products that were developed in Europe to mitigate electronics’ harmful
energies. They harmonize the EMF energies, to make them more human-compatible.


Making Sense Out of Electricity, 5G, and Covid-19 – Discover Ways to Reduce their Impact

The race to electrify our world with the intention of improving our lives has created Tsunami-like waves of man-made electromagnetic radiations engulfing all life on the planet without adequate research to determine long-term health effects, however, this presentation provides long-awaited solutions for relief from electromagnetic radiation symptoms that many are experiencing.

Saturday, 2 September, at 4:00 PM.


Elizabeth Plourde, C.L.S., NCMP, Ph.D.

Dr. Elizabeth Plourde is a Clinical Laboratory Scientist and North American Menopause Society Certified Menopause Practitioner. Working with cutting-edge DNA and cancer research laboratories for two decades, her biggest concern is how the medical community has not recognized the health disabilities EMF radiations create, or their effect on children’s brains. Bringing awareness of these pressing dangers, she has presented her ground-breaking research of the truth behind today’s environmental damage at medical conferences and consumer groups, including appearances on ABC’s 20/20, Good Morning America, and numerous network news and radio shows across the country.

Author of:

EMF Freedom: Solutions for the 21st Century Pollution – 3rd Edition
Sunscreens – Biohazard 2: Proof of Toxicity Keeps Piling Up 2018
Sunscreens – Biohazard: Treat as Hazardous Waste 2012
Hysterectomy: The Best or Worst Thing that Ever Happened to Me?
Your Guide to Hysterectomy, Ovary Removal & Hormone Replacement

Contact Information

Website: https://www.bestemfproducts.com/
Phone: (949) 551-3397
Email: elizabeth@newvoice.net
13 Blackswan
Irvine, CA 92604