About Us

CCS President Frank Cousineau host the Annual Cancer Control Society Convention, introducing 40 speakers over a three day period and moderating a Doctors’ Symposium on day four.

Throughout the year, the Cancer Control Society distributes literature, books and videos on everything in Alternative Medicine from amygdalin to zinc. Cancer Control Society answers many calls each day, giving direction and hope to those in need. CCS also attends other conferences and public events throughout the year, distributing information on CCS and the latest findings in Alternative Therapies.

CCS also publishes its Green Sheet, a directory of doctors practicing Alternative Medicine, and its Patient Sheet, a list of names, addresses and phone numbers of patients who say they were controlled by Alternative Therapies. You are invited to call any of them.

The Cancer Control Society is a non-profit organization, dependent upon donations for its mission: to prevent and control Cancer and Other Diseases through Nutrition and Non-Toxic Therapies. For more information, please call The Cancer Control Society, (323) 663-7801.

Cancer Control Society Japan Branch

The Japan Cancer Control Association contribute to the mental and physical soundness and health of the Japanese people with the intention of raising people’s awareness and interest in health and improving their natural healing power.