Aki Moriyama


Overview of Metabolic Therapies in Japan

Sunday, September 3, 2023, 2:30 PM


Akitsugu Moriyama
Chairman, Cancer Control Society of Japan

He has been actively participating in the CCS Convention in LA since 1990. In 1994, he took the initiative to establish the CCS Japan Chapter with the invaluable support of the current CCS President, Mr. Frank Cousineau.

Under his guidance, the first-ever Japan Cancer Convention was successfully organized in 1995. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the convention persevered and adapted by hosting smaller-scale events and transitioning to online platforms in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Undeterred by the circumstances, the convention has remained a steadfast source of knowledge and support for cancer patients and professionals alike in Japan.

Looking ahead, the 29th annual convention in Japan is scheduled to take place in November of this year, promising another impactful gathering of individuals dedicated to combating cancer.

Throughout his journey, he has drawn inspiration and guidance from numerous doctors and their practices, which have been showcased and discussed at the convention. These include notable figures such as Gerson Therapy, Dr. Contreras, Dr. Gonzalez, Dr. Rodriguez of BC Hospital, Dr. Alvarez, Dr. Simonton, Dr. Tony, Dr. Revici, and many others. Their contributions have laid the foundation for his nutritional support initiatives in Japan, empowering him to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

Contact Information

Website: https://www.npo-gancon.jp/ https://www.botanic.co.jp/
Phone: 03-5294-8899
Email: kmoriyama@botanic.co.jp
Akaokosan Build 5F, 2-1-14 Kajicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 101-0044