Canceled: 48th Annual CCS Convention 2023

Welcome to our new website!
As you may have noticed our website has just had a makeover. The look and navigation of the site is new and information has been made more accessible. A number of pages are still in progress, but visit the site frequently as more content about our organization becomes available. We hope you will enjoy the site and find the information you are looking for. If you have any questions please contact us.

LIVE Virtual Webinar Event: The Future of Healing with The Gonzalez Protocol ®
When: September 14, 2023 at 7pm-8:30pm ET
Join Gonzalez Guardian Doctor, Andre Williams M.D. and Mary Beth Gonzalez to learn about The Gonzalez Protocol ® and all the resources available today to help you treat cancer.
Extensively trained as a conventional oncologist, Dr. Andre Williams was awarded by the American Society of Clinical Oncology, for his work in a developing country. He then did further international training in proven nutrition and wellness strategies. He believes the body was built to heal itself, and employs his wealth of experience to guide patients towards complete wellness.
About Us

We host the Annual Cancer Control Society Convention, introducing 40 speakers over a three day period.

Cancer Control Society answers many calls each day, giving direction and hope to those in need.
Our Annual Cancer Convention Has Been Canceled
It is with great heartache that we announce the cancellation of the 48th Annual Cancer Control Society Convention 2023 this Labor Day Weekend. Truth is we simply do not have
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